Information on Research

Research and scholarly activity represent an important dimension of the work conducted at P.A. College. The academic staff at P.A. College is committed to enhancing their theoretical and  empirical knowledge and skills through research projects focusing on societal, economic, environmental, business and educational implications. Research findings also provide an important contribution to all aspects of course development, curriculum structure, module content, teaching and learning. P.A. College participates in the ‘INCLUDEME - Inclusive digital environments to enable high-quality education and training for disadvantaged learners’ research project which is co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. P.A. College undertakes the project in collaboration with a consortium of seven organisations from five European countries (Germany, Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus). Further, the research department has participated in joint projects with the Larnaca Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Municipality of Larnaca under the Urban  Sustainable Development (USUDS) programme.


The importance of research and staff development activities are fully recognised and promoted through a variety of actions. In this light, the College policy has focused on two main areas: the promotion of learning activities contributing substantially to staff development and research; and the parallel contribution to the local community of Larnaca through the dissemination of empirical research on the regional economy.


Furthermore, the research activities of the faculty members include the participation in and presentation of their research outcomes in international and European conferences, the publication of papers in international refereed journals, as well as the active participation in academic research projects externally funded by the Research & Innovation Foundation and/or European Funded Programmes.


Students are also actively involved in research activities through the undertaking of research-focused projects through the completion of a dissertation project in the final year of their BA or BSc Honours Degree. In several cases students’ research projects have  been presented in conferences and published in conference proceedings or academic journals.