Academic Programmes Overview

The dynamic and volatile business environment, the speedy and significant advances in information technology and other technologies, the increasing demands of markets and societies, and the growth of globalisation and intense international competition constitute a major set of challenges to any business unit.

The managers in such business units are required to possess extensive knowledge and intellectual capabilities in the business disciplines of management, accounting, marketing, finance, economics, human resource management and business computing.  In the exciting world of business and business computing intellectual understanding of the new concepts and approaches relative to analysis, planning, implementation and efficacious organisation management are essential toward the effective and efficient running of the business organisation; these elements allow the business unit to successfully compete in a vastly dynamic environment. The successful manager should also possess an excellent set of quantitative, computing, communication and interpersonal skills together with the ability to apply these skills, concepts and approaches in practical business situations.

The programmes have been designed to fully equip the student with the intellectual abilities, appropriate skills and understanding of the practical business environment needed to handle the demands of the initial stages of a business career.  Equally important is the fact that the courses will equip students to effectively handle the demands of subsequent developments in their careers and provide a sound platform for the attainment of further studies and/or postgraduate academic as well as professional qualifications. The courses recognise both the diversity of businesses operating within Cyprus and internationally, as well as the diversity of specialist career paths within such businesses and thus, provide an opportunity for students to select a programme of studies appropriate to their desired career path.

P.A. College has registered all of its Programmes with the Ministry of Education and Culture. The College’s B.A. (Honours) in Business Administration and B.Sc. (Honours) in Business Computing Degree Programmes have been ACCREDITED by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) and the degree titles awarded are RECOGNISED by the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications since the onset of their establishment (KY.S.A.T.S). P.A. College is a unique specialised business school and thus the only Higher Institution in Cyprus offering degree-level government accredited programmes (Bachelor of Arts with Honours in three specialisations), as well as the unique Business Computing Bachelor of Science with Honours degree programme, the only one of its kind in Cyprus and one of only a few in Europe.